Safety guidance

Keeping you safe

Safety guidance

The safety of our team and our customers is of paramount importance. Following Government guidance we have adapted the business to ensure a safe working environment and comfortable yet safe environment for our customers. 

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.

• Face Coverings – Customers are no longer required by law to wear a face covering but our staff will continue to wear them.

• Please wait to be seated by one of our team at our service stations and please form orderly queues on entrance/exit and for use of the toilets and facilities.

• Our furniture has been placed to provide adequate space for social distancing – please do not move tables and chairs.

• We are operating table service only so standing at the bar will not be permitted.

• Card payments are encouraged to reduce risk to our team, please use contactless wherever possible, and unfortunately we won’t be able to split bills.

• Sanitiser points are available throughout, please ensure these stations are used.